
Clicking on the 'Documents' tab in the header of the resource will take you to a Browse Documents page. You can choose to browse by theme, or from a list of every document in the resource. Use the tabs at the top of the page to toggle between the two. You can also use the filters in the sidebar to limit the documents returned by Region, Library, Document Type, Date Range or Theme. You can choose as many filter options as you want from each category. When you have made your selection, click ‘Apply’. Once you have a list of documents you can continue to refine or change your browse criteria.


Documents landing page with thematic thumbnails and additional filter options



Document list view with sidebar filter options


In Search Directories you can find documents by Subject, Sub Collection, Author, People or Places. Simply make your selections and click ‘Search’. The Sub Collections are based on how the documents are grouped in their respective libraries or archives.


Frontier Life sub-collections search directory


You can also do a general search in the box in the header.

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